Monday, October 6, 2008

A busy girl at 2!

Aliza started up swimming and toddler gym again this week at the YMCA. She took the summer off. I was worried she'd have issues following instructions because she's older now and more stubborn about doing what she wants. She actually did better this time around. There was more work in swimming rather than just playing and singing. I was impressed with her hard work!

Immediately after swimming, she goes to open gym. It's a movement education class where they get to run free in a gymnastics center. It's a lot of fun for parents too! Patrick came for the first time and kept saying he was going to run and jump on the vault doing a front handspring into the foam pit. Yeah right! He did try to do the rings--not an easy thing! I had a hard enough time trying to move around in the foam pit. It is great being able to play around on equipment like a kid again. Although it is technically for kids only. Check out the video at the end of her running on the trampoline. It's just so cute because of the way she runs!


NWO Observer said...

visit this blog. thank you.

Robyn said...

We had L's 2nd b-day party at a gym. The grown-ups (dads) had more fun than the kids. It was so fun to watch!