It's been way too long. I meant to post several times and got caught up with all kinds of things. So an update post is coming soon. Probably this weekend after we decorate.
One thing though, Patrick's surgery has been postponed for the second time to early December. He's bummed because his ankle's in pain and he wants to get it over with. But I'm somewhat glad because he got to spend thanksgiving with us without having excruciating pain. And we did have a pleasant thanksgiving evening. We had his brother, Paul, here along with the Kauffmans and the Roberts. So now I'm off to eat some yummy turkey sandwiches and then decorate our giant tree. I'm not kidding. We underestimated the size of this tree when it was still in the ground. But we'll find a place for it.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Starting Christmas early
(This post was saved 11/17 & I forgot to post it. So it's very late)
It's not even Thanksgiving yet but we got a headstart on some Christmas traditions. Part of the reason is because Patrick is having his ankle surgery this Thursday and is supposed to be off his feet for at least 2 weeks then I think no weight bearing on his left leg but may possibly use crutches. Last year, we waited til after his surgery (which was right before Thanksgiving too), and he hobbled around on one foot trying to decorate the tree.
Anyways, last Sunday, we attended a charity shopping event at a local mall called Purchase with a Purpose. You have to pay $5 to get into the mall, which goes to local charities (including my MOPS group). The mall is open for 3 hours only to paid shoppers and there are discounts, door prizes, free Santa photo, and Christmas music. The local Christian radio station was there and handled the raffles and main court music. So there was some great Christian music there including a live show from Jadon Lavik. It was nice to get an early start on Christmas shopping without the huge crowds plus at a discount. We were also thankful we got a free picture with Santa without the crazy long lines. The funny thing is, the kids don't even really know about Santa so Aliza just thought he was a grandpa and called him Santa Paws. They took a decent picture though.

The sad part was that I felt lucky that night and believed that I was going to win something. I kept telling Patrick that my name would be called. I was being hopeful during the big ticket items like a massage chair and hot tub although I never win anything. I couldn't tell if Patrick wanted to leave and the kids were getting tired so I decided we should probably go. I hesitated and kept listening as we were getting further away. The next day, a friend mentioned that just 5 or 6 names after we left, my name was called. So sad! It would've been a wonderful thing to have a giant gift basket full of chocolates, gifts, and gift cards for the stores in the mall especially during Christmas shopping. Oh well. I'm moving on.
Yesterday, we went to a tree farm in Tacoma that allows you to reserve a tree to cut down after Thanksgiving. Patrick wouldn't have had a say if we waited til after Thanksgiving like normal. It was actually lots of fun because there were a ton of trees and we got to decorate it to show that it was taken. We just used ribbon they provided but some families went as far as putting real ornaments and beads. At least now, we picked it out together and all I have to do is tell them when I'm coming and they'll help me cut it and carry it to my car.
It's not even Thanksgiving yet but we got a headstart on some Christmas traditions. Part of the reason is because Patrick is having his ankle surgery this Thursday and is supposed to be off his feet for at least 2 weeks then I think no weight bearing on his left leg but may possibly use crutches. Last year, we waited til after his surgery (which was right before Thanksgiving too), and he hobbled around on one foot trying to decorate the tree.
Anyways, last Sunday, we attended a charity shopping event at a local mall called Purchase with a Purpose. You have to pay $5 to get into the mall, which goes to local charities (including my MOPS group). The mall is open for 3 hours only to paid shoppers and there are discounts, door prizes, free Santa photo, and Christmas music. The local Christian radio station was there and handled the raffles and main court music. So there was some great Christian music there including a live show from Jadon Lavik. It was nice to get an early start on Christmas shopping without the huge crowds plus at a discount. We were also thankful we got a free picture with Santa without the crazy long lines. The funny thing is, the kids don't even really know about Santa so Aliza just thought he was a grandpa and called him Santa Paws. They took a decent picture though.

The sad part was that I felt lucky that night and believed that I was going to win something. I kept telling Patrick that my name would be called. I was being hopeful during the big ticket items like a massage chair and hot tub although I never win anything. I couldn't tell if Patrick wanted to leave and the kids were getting tired so I decided we should probably go. I hesitated and kept listening as we were getting further away. The next day, a friend mentioned that just 5 or 6 names after we left, my name was called. So sad! It would've been a wonderful thing to have a giant gift basket full of chocolates, gifts, and gift cards for the stores in the mall especially during Christmas shopping. Oh well. I'm moving on.
Yesterday, we went to a tree farm in Tacoma that allows you to reserve a tree to cut down after Thanksgiving. Patrick wouldn't have had a say if we waited til after Thanksgiving like normal. It was actually lots of fun because there were a ton of trees and we got to decorate it to show that it was taken. We just used ribbon they provided but some families went as far as putting real ornaments and beads. At least now, we picked it out together and all I have to do is tell them when I'm coming and they'll help me cut it and carry it to my car.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"Present Bomama"
Aliza has been watching the election with me. She is sooo cute! She knows who John McCain is...well kind of. One time she saw Bill O'Reilly and said, "Look's it's Jon-a-cain!"
She asks to see him but we told her that he didn't win and she won't be able to see him much anymore. So now she says,
"Jon-a-cain is gone. Bye Jon-a-cain!"
We told her our new president is President Obama.
Her response was, "See Bac Bomama. Present Bomama!"
It's just so adorable hearing her try to say political figures' names. It's even cuter that she recognizes them on tv and gets excited when she sees them.
She asks to see him but we told her that he didn't win and she won't be able to see him much anymore. So now she says,
"Jon-a-cain is gone. Bye Jon-a-cain!"
We told her our new president is President Obama.
Her response was, "See Bac Bomama. Present Bomama!"
It's just so adorable hearing her try to say political figures' names. It's even cuter that she recognizes them on tv and gets excited when she sees them.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Congratulations President Obama
I'm full of mixed emotions right now. Those of you who know me, know that I voted for John McCain. I am saddened that he didn't win but I am also genuinely happy for Barack Obama. I never disliked him but I just related more to the McCain/Palin team on particular issues. I feel bad because I feel John McCain has a great heart and because of his life's dedication to this country would've been a wonderful President.
I pray for McCain and his family as they deal with this loss. But I also pray for our new President Obama. I pray that he will be strengthened and protected as he leads our nation. I pray that he will seek God's wisdom to make the right choices for this country.
Congratulations, President Obama!! It is an exciting moment in our history. I am happy for you and your family. You will have my support (although not always my agreement) and prayer as my new president.
I pray for McCain and his family as they deal with this loss. But I also pray for our new President Obama. I pray that he will be strengthened and protected as he leads our nation. I pray that he will seek God's wisdom to make the right choices for this country.
Congratulations, President Obama!! It is an exciting moment in our history. I am happy for you and your family. You will have my support (although not always my agreement) and prayer as my new president.
Tag You're It
Mikki atHere's What Let's Do has tagged me. I don't typically do this but since Mikki is my sister-in-law, I thought I would go along. It's a fun way to learn some random things about your friends. So these are the rules of TAG:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
My six random things...
1. I can eat rice whenever & with anything. Some favorites are at breakfast with eggs & sausage and with KFC. Yummy!
2. I love anything history!! I'm just intrigued about other places & times and how it's led to the present.
3. I have laughed so hard, I've peed! :) (but not in recent years)
4. I want to play piano better and learn to play guitar.
5. I have a ton of 1st cousins. On my dad's side alone I have 23. Christmas time was lots of fun! We didn't do our own family, but a whole weekend together in one house!
6. I went to the same school from 1st grade to Graduation. There was never more than 115 students from K-12. Sheltered yes but have the greatest friends to this day!
The six people I have tagged are...
1. A fellow MOPS mom Jen at PeakFaith
2. A friend, former co-worker and youth/worship pastor from Horizons, Andy at Andy's Blog
3. My friend Katie at The Goldsworthy Site
4. My friend Amberly at Tanzosh
5. My friend Kristen at The Meyer Family
6. Another fellow MOPS mom, Tara at The Balcom Family Blog
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
My six random things...
1. I can eat rice whenever & with anything. Some favorites are at breakfast with eggs & sausage and with KFC. Yummy!
2. I love anything history!! I'm just intrigued about other places & times and how it's led to the present.
3. I have laughed so hard, I've peed! :) (but not in recent years)
4. I want to play piano better and learn to play guitar.
5. I have a ton of 1st cousins. On my dad's side alone I have 23. Christmas time was lots of fun! We didn't do our own family, but a whole weekend together in one house!
6. I went to the same school from 1st grade to Graduation. There was never more than 115 students from K-12. Sheltered yes but have the greatest friends to this day!
The six people I have tagged are...
1. A fellow MOPS mom Jen at PeakFaith
2. A friend, former co-worker and youth/worship pastor from Horizons, Andy at Andy's Blog
3. My friend Katie at The Goldsworthy Site
4. My friend Amberly at Tanzosh
5. My friend Kristen at The Meyer Family
6. Another fellow MOPS mom, Tara at The Balcom Family Blog
Patrick's surgery
Patrick's 3rd surgery for his ankle was scheduled this Thursday, Nov. 6. But he just called to tell me that his doctor had to leave for the week so they postponed it to Nov. 21. I'm happy and sad at the same time. I wanted it over with so we could move on and get into the holidays without him being in pain. But now Thanksgiving will still be rough just like last year. At least we have a couple more weeks to plan for it and get things done. So keep him in your prayers still. I'm praying that it will work this time and it'll be the last surgery he needs. Also that it goes smooth and the pain won't be overwhelming. Thank you for your prayers!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween -- Through the Years
Trick or Treating
Yesterday we took the kids trick or treating in our neighborhood. Last year, Patrick and our friend took the kids while I stayed home passing out candy. But Patrick's brother, Paul, offered to take my place. So we got to collect candy as a family. My friend Janice and her son Gabe came along.
It had been raining all day but it stopped just in time thankfully. It ended up being a nice evening. The weird thing was there were a ton more kids than there were houses passing out candy. There was a definite difference from last year. Makes me wonder if people are really having a hard time with the economy that they couldn't purchase candy. Someone mentioned on the street that they couldn't afford it this year. The weirdest part was the dozen or so houses that were heavily decorated had nothing for the kids. So there were lines at houses and everyone ran out by 7:15. I had a lot of candy and we had to close shop much earlier than normal.
It was still fun for the kids because that's the most people you will see out walking in the neighborhood at once. Everybody is friendly too.

Optimus Prime (transformer) & Sleeping Beauty

Aliza & her friend, Gabe, burning off their sugar

Almost out of candy

Lining up
It had been raining all day but it stopped just in time thankfully. It ended up being a nice evening. The weird thing was there were a ton more kids than there were houses passing out candy. There was a definite difference from last year. Makes me wonder if people are really having a hard time with the economy that they couldn't purchase candy. Someone mentioned on the street that they couldn't afford it this year. The weirdest part was the dozen or so houses that were heavily decorated had nothing for the kids. So there were lines at houses and everyone ran out by 7:15. I had a lot of candy and we had to close shop much earlier than normal.
It was still fun for the kids because that's the most people you will see out walking in the neighborhood at once. Everybody is friendly too.
Optimus Prime (transformer) & Sleeping Beauty
Aliza & her friend, Gabe, burning off their sugar
Almost out of candy
Lining up
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