Patrick's HyperparathyroidismWell, after our trip to Disney, Patrick was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism. It was a horrible couple of months for the whole family because his symptoms were so severe. He had practically every symptom listed for this disease. I hated seeing him so miserable and in pain. The only treatment is surgery to remove the tumor on the parathyroid gland. Thankfully there was only one tumor so only 1 of 4 glands would only be removed, which should've meant a simple 1 hour surgery.
When surgery day finally arrived June 23, 2008, we were looking forward to a quick, successful surgery. But the surgery ended up taking 4 hours and they had to remove Patrick's right thryoid gland rather than just the one little parathyroid. I had a difficult time signing off on that but it had to be done. Although recovery time took longer because it became a major surgery, he is much better now. Thank God that period of our lives is over!
Trip to MI June 2008After Patrick's surgery, Aliza and I went to MI. We went home so I could have a 3 day girls getaway with some friends, to meet my newest nephew, Trent, and to take advantage of Aliza flying free. Because of Patrick's surgery, we left later than normal and ended up missing my girls' trip. Oh well. That happens in life. At least we had a couple of days to spend in Frankenmuth, MI (A Bavarian town) with my family. It was lots of fun for all of us. During our visit, we also celebrated Aliza's 2nd birthday with our extended family. My mom then flew home with us to stay for the month of July.

Brodey, Aliza, & Maddox at Frankenmuth

Happy 2nd Birthday Aliza!

An afternoon with the girls and the kids when they came home from their trip

Aliza and newborn cousin, Trent

Lolo and Lola @ Frankenmuth

At Grandma's, spending her first night away

With my cousins at Aliza's party

Kissing Lolo goodbye at the airport